Well being apart from my wife is draining besides missing her so much. My girls can be awesome but also quite a handful. Lydia my older daughter has a way of trying to be too cleaver with what is going on, and tries to manipulate the situation in hope that I am not paying attention to what she is doing in the moment. For instance when there is a bang sound coming from where the two girls are playing together, and Mila starts crying, Lydia knows that I would be mad if she caused the pain, so she will quickly tell me that Mila tripped and hit her head on the wall. What Lydia will not volunteer in a situation like that is that she was spinning circles in front of Mila, and encouraging her to do the same and young Mila just can't do all of the fun moves without banging into things. I know that Mila the Destroyer is built like a tank and can take the abuse, but I still get sad when the poor girl bangs into something and starts crying. Lydia on the other hand is totally a princess and her favorite Disney princess is Rapunzel so she thinks that is who she is. Lydia will even go so far to be afraid that if she cuts her beautiful blond hair, that it will turn brown and will not grow anymore :) So despite their age difference I will still hear Lydia screaming at times because Mila has her pinned on the ground and it pulling her hair or suffocating her. Yesterday was a typical day, Lydia to school and Mila to destroying the house and our afternoon stroller walk and mushroom hunt. It has not rained in a few days so new mushrooms are not growing in the woods so fast, and most of the experts have already been out fiercely picking. I am usually lucky and bring home a few birch boletes like I did yesterday.
I also come across many of the poisonous amanita mushrooms like this one while I am out searching for edible mushrooms.
but today I was just blessed with the beautiful scenery of the Polish forests and a few animals greeting us along the way. At one point on the walk a pheasant floor almost over us crossing the road and honking as he did. I took out the camera hoping to get a picture but it unfortunately hid in the tall grass on the other side of the street. I also come across many frogs and the occasional toad as I walk through the woods. Here is a picture of one of the many common frogs :)
Before I could go on my morning stroller walk with Mila today we went about our normal daily routines. We have both been suffering from a lack of sleep at night so I decided to use one of the old single parent tricks which I will share with you. The trick is to sleep when your baby is sleeping! So this isn't a new lesson to teach people, and I hope it is common sense, but when you are feeling sleep deprived because of your little one and your day will allow it, then do it :) I slept for about an hour mid-day. Well football practice was good tonight and I think we will be well prepared for the championship tournament on the 13th. I have to get used to the fact that practicing football in the fall in Poland is much colder than practicing football in the fall in Northern California it was cold on the field tonight :) Well I should get to sleep now, goodnight all.
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