
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Halloween, Thanksgiving and a photo shoot, oh my!

Halloween to my family, is mostly a holiday we celebrated in the United States. However, Day of the Dead and All saints day here in Poland, have long standing roots that don't show any signs of going away. If you were to visit a cemetery on either of those days, you will find them packed with people at all times of the day. People really take the time to prepare the graves of those that have been lost to us and honor them on these days especially. All across Poland you would find literally millions of candles burning through the night; a burning reminder of those that came before us, and a nice way of saying that when we go we will also not be forgotten. 
Dragon Pumpkin
Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays as an American, this is largely due to the fact that I get an excuse to stuff my face with a large variety of food without judgement. Thanksgiving is a great time to sit down with those that are close to you and say a little something about how great it is to have them in your lives, or to be thankful and talk about other people and things that are important. I am thankful for everyone who is and has been a part of my life and for all of those in the future who would want to be my friend and invite me into their lives. When I hear something crash down and break I rush to see if everyone is alright, I don't rush to see if something expensive has been broken. Friendships are the most valuable things in our lives other than our health, but those two items are not mutually exclusive in nature either. I am thankful for American Football here in Poland, it is a great way for me to meet new people and share a love for a sport that was such a big part of my youth. I am, of course, for anyone who knows me, most thankful for my family, who surrounds me everyday with great hugs and kisses.
Lydia with Camera
Mila in a Trunk, Mila the Destroyer

These two pictures of my girls, along with the new cover photo of our family were taken at a photo shoot in Gydynia. I love taking pictures but professional photographers with studios that do this for a living just make this look too easy. :) We had a lot of fun going through the different poses and backgrounds to quickly come up with a bunch of great pictures. We also took the time to see some friends in the northern part of Poland and give the kids a play date. The kids are growing up fast and bilingual which is great. Lydia who will turn seven this month has to be reminded by Mommy and Daddy constantly to speak English when at home. We absolutely refuse to let her get away with speaking Polish all of the time and not get the benefits of learning multiple languages. I have actually had the benefit of speaking Polish in other countries to people who didn't know any English. Well time to move Mila the Destroyer back to her bed and call it a night myself. bye for now. :)

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